‘Backup/ Restore, Recovery/ Rebuild’ > What’s the difference?

(Data) Backup > is made up of data files.  These data files can be ‘Some or All’ of the Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos, Application programs, Operating System files & related Operating System files contained within a computer’s hard-drive/s.

BEST Data Backup is a Total Data Backup” > that’s where all of the DATA contents of the PC’s hard-drive/s are captured/backed-up.


(Data) Restore > placing the data back onto the computer’s hard-drive/s.  Whatever & whenever the data was originally ‘Backed-up’ will be placed back to that ‘point-in-time’ upon the computer’s hard-drive/s.

The more current the ‘Data Backup’ > the sooner the computer is back into proper operation.

Otherwise the computer’s operating system files, application programs & data files may/will likely need updating prior to using the computer.

This updating process can be VERY VERY ‘Time Consuming & Worrisome’ for the end-user/operator.  To avoid/lessen the impact of this updating situation > always try to have a CURRENT (up-to-date) Data Backup on-hand.


(Data) Recovery > typically to Fix/Repair data that is Damaged/Corrupted!  Some computer manufacturer’s provide a ‘Recovery’ partition.  Typically it’s also used to  ‘Rebuild/Replace’ the ‘Operating System’ files.

Please note:  ‘Rebuilding/Replacing’ is not data ‘Recovery’!

When manufacturers do not state ‘Recovery-Rebuild’, they have created confusion for the consumer/end-user.  The consumer/end-user is ‘lulled’ into a false ‘Data Protection’ perception.  They think their CURRENT Data is miraculously safe, & can be retrieved in some way > it cannot.


(Data) Rebuild > places data back, typically the ‘Operating System’ files – to a ‘Time-of-Creation’ point.  That was the point-in-time back when the computer was ‘Installed/Setup’.

Age/Usage of a computer will determine how much additional time is required to make the computer’s files/programs get installed, updated, & current once again.

The updating operation can usually take ‘HOURS or DAYS’.  Sometimes some program/s can NEVER get back to 100% operation prior to the ‘Rebuild’.  This is due to the program/s not being available to install.

The Rebuild operation is completely dependent upon whether the data/programs can be ‘Sourced/located, Re-Installed, Updated, Restored (Copied from something), or Re-Created’.


Obviously the best situation is to have a ‘Current Backup of Everything’.  Without it, the computer may never come back to the current ‘point-in-time’ where you need it the most.

Having  BACKUP is GOLDEN > just like CASH is KING!

Unfortunately, most computers can not ‘Magically fix Themselves’ as of yet.

Please remember:  It’s never good to rely solely upon the ‘Recovery/Rebuild’ option (whether it’s a special partition on the computers drive OR an Operating System CD/DVD).  The reasons are > the hard drive can malfunction (Not operate at all) OR the Operating System CD/DVD could be Damaged/Missing > YOU will then be left with NOTHING to use to bring the computer ‘Back-to-Life’!


NO Backup NO Problem > We can Help, typically less than $100 (Canadian).

So before your PC Blows-up > Speed it up, Protect it & Preserve it!

All About Backup Inc. (2006)
A+ Cert. Computer Engineering Technology Company

Email:  getaabincasap@gmail.com

Happy Computing!!!

Striving to provide Global ‘Reliable, Sustainable & Secure Computing’


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