April 2-2019 -> 2 possible Solutions for Gmail !!!
Background History & Research Info.:
Slowness issue began after Google ‘Updated/ Redesigned’ it’s ‘Gmail’ program.
We suspect Google did it deliberately to force ‘Gmail’ users to only use their ‘Google Chrome’ browser & no other browser.
Those using the Mozilla Firefox browser noticed when using ‘Gmail’, operations slowed immensely – especially when ‘Composing’. After they ‘Type’ there’s a noticeable delay before their typing appears in the display.
Secondly, they noticed an overall performance slowdown when a ‘Gmail’ webpage is opened along with other webpages.
They also noticed when it was closed, the other open webpages became more responsive. Then, when the ‘Gmail’ webpage was re-added – other webpages lost performance.
Based upon our research, other ‘Coders & Web Developers (many thanks to all)’ have provided very helpful insights to this issue.
– See these 3 web-links for reference;
- https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/atn5ms/why_firefox_loads_new_gmail_so_slow_firefox_46s_x/
- https://www.pcmag.com/news/362696/mozilla-developer-claims-google-is-slowing-youtube-on-firefo
- https://twitter.com/cpeterso/status/1021993326139109379
They noticed Google’s ‘Coders’ are now using an older code – called ‘Polymer’.
We (All About Backup Inc) deduced that this ‘Polymer’ code needs to be added into competitive browsers to Google’s ‘Chrome’, such as ‘Mozilla Firefox’ to handle the new redesign.
To locate this ‘Polymer Code’, we (All About Backup Inc) performed a search & found the ‘Polymer Code’ in a ‘You Tube’ add-on fix for the ‘Mozilla Firefox’ browser.
Sorry, we did not search for any other ‘Browser’ fixes.
2 Solutions:
- Install ‘Youtube Classic add-on’ – version 1.6.0 by Mirza Brunjadze.
- Operates on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7. Vista & XP (x86 & x64)
- Mozilla Firefox versions ’48 & up’
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- Downloading WebLink: < https://www.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/new/ >
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- Download & Install the XPI file.
- ‘Single/Left’ click on Youtube_Classic_v1.6.0-x86+x64
- Install ‘Google Chrome’ browser.
- ‘Single/Left’ click on <https://www.google.ca/chrome/?brand=CHBD&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIotC6qJaz4QIVsR-tBh2d9whCEAAYASABEgKbu_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds>
Note: We have been using both ‘Solutions’ – as of March 2019 & with good results.
(Used on various Windows 32/64bit OS & various manufacturers ‘Dell, Acer, HP, etc.’.)
We also installed ‘Adblock Plus’ add-on on all ‘Firefox’ browsers (v48 & up) which helped.
- Set to Maximum Ad Removal.
- Single/Left click on AdBlock+_v3.10.2-x86+x64, Download & Install this XPI file.
- Recommend ‘No More than 3’ other webpages opened along with the Gmail webpage.
Happy Computing.
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All About Backup Inc. (2006)
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Email: getaabincasap@gmail.com
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