For Windows 11, 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista & XP computers.
Revives “Speed & Stability plus Preserves Data”!
PC can be any age (Old or New).
( Minimum PC requirements = P2-1GBhz. CPU, 3GB Ram, 120GB HDD + Ext. USB HDD. )
Enjoy “Sustainable Performance & Worry-Free Computing” from Attacks to Malfunctions.
What we do:
- PC Environment Inspection
- Dust removal (if required)
- RAM (Memory) Capacity and Usage Inspection
- Drive Capacity and Usage Inspection
- Updating Windows & Anti-Virus
- Data Cleanup – Malware + Spyware + Adware + Ransomware + Virus Removals, additional strategies & techniques to combat future attacks using our ‘Cocktail’ of free Brand-name Anti-Virus/Malware scanners for Home/Office, Error Checking & Defragmentation/Optimization
- Data & Internet Optimized for Speed
Plus a FULL Data BACKUP:
1 Stage Backup > EVERYTHING is copied – Nothing is missed.
– Operating System
– Applications (I.e.; MsOffice)
– Data files (I.e.; Docs, Pics, MP3s)
RESTORING is also ‘1 Stage’ & everything is placed back.
No need to do a 2 Stage Rebuild/ Restore process (uses more time & effort) > IE.: Operating System 1st & Programs/Data files 2nd.
This Backup/Restore Program is easily incorporated with daily backup practices to help ensure total year-round data protection. Backup file placed onto a suitable device YOU Provide & Keep.
Any inspection concerns will be documented w/solutions.
Service is also available on a ‘Remote-Connect’ basis. We ‘Remotely Connect’ to your computer using high-speed internet. The whole time you monitor & control the process.
1st Time Speed-up & Preservation Service (Per PC) = $250.
Afterwards Speed-up & Preservation Service (Per PC) = $200.
So before your PC Blows-up > Speed it up, Protect it & Preserve it!
All About Backup Inc. (2006)
A+ Cert. Computer Engineering Technology Company
Striving to provide Global ‘Reliable, Sustainable & Secure Computing’