The above document is thanks to the people at http://www.dcwg.org & the FBI (USA).
We also recommend if using a ROUTER (Wired/Wireless) to help your PC get onto the internet – please do the following check;
A) Log into your Router
B) Locate it’s status info page
C) Verify the displayed ‘Primary & Secondary DNS’ addresses against the list of bad addresses on page # 7 of this document. If on the list > it’s likely infected, seek help from an ‘A+ Certified’ Computer tech asap!!!
Otherwise, Happy Computing…
So before your PC Blows-up > Speed it up, Protect it & Preserve it!
All About Backup Inc. (2006)
A+ Cert. Computer Engineering Technology Company
Email: getaabincasap@gmail.com
Striving to provide Global ‘Reliable, Sustainable & Secure Computing’
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