- It’s Offsite storage (ie. not at your location, somewhere else).
BEST attributes to look for in Cloud storage company are;
- Data’s spread/stored over multiple locations/cities.
- Very high Security Standards.
- Very Trustworthy Operation.
- Economically stable Operation.
Example of the BEST Cloud storage is ‘Google/Google Drive‘.
Example of the WORST Cloud storage is any operation where data is kept only in ONE location with limited to no security standards.
- ISP providers typically charge based on Data usage/transferring – the more you use may equate to the more ($) you may need to pay for your internet usage.
- Backup/Restore speed is primarily a function of Transfer Rates – Slow upload speeds equate to longer waits to move data to the cloud. So a large data transfer could take a day or 2 to get it up into the cloud.
Upload & Download speeds are expressed as;
bps = bits-per-Second – OR-
Bpm = Bytes-per-Minute.
Legend of Bits & Bytes:
- 8 bits = 1 Byte
- 1,000 Bytes = 1 Kilo-Byte = 1 KB.
- 1,000,000 Bytes = 1 Mega-Byte = 1 MB.
- 1,000 MB’s = 1 Giga-Byte = 1 GB.
- 1,000 GB‘s = 1 Tera-Byte = 1 TB.
Note: A “Single” character (Letter, Number, Space/Symbol) is made up of 8 Bits of data, which is also known as 1 Byte of data.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) Data Transfer rate calculating:
For every .5 Mbps of transfer speed moves 3.8 MB’s per Minute
1 hour = 228 MB’s is transferred “To or From” the “Cloud”.
UPLOAD speeds for Home Users can typically be .5 Mbps.
Example: Uploading 1 GB (Data) at .5 Mbps rate can take about 4.5 Hours.
DOWNLOAD speeds for Home Users can typically be 10 Mbps = 76 MBs per Min. = 4.5 GBs per Hour = 108 GBs per Day (24 hours).
Please note:
- The GREATER the bps, the MORE Data is transferred “To or From” the “Cloud” (storage) location.
- Uploading Data To a ‘Cloud’ storage > is likened to “Backing up” data from a computer’s storage drive/s (Hard disk drive – Hdd).
- Downloading Data From a ‘Cloud’ storage > is likened to ‘Restoring’ data onto a computer’s storage drive/s.
- Upload speed rates for Commercial businesses typically start at around 6.5 Mbps = 50 MB per Min. = 3 GBs per Hour = 72 GBs per Day.
- Download speed rates are around 20 Mbps = 152 MB per Min. = 9 GBs per Hour = 218 GBs per Day.
- To find out more about what your ISP is capable of – go to (choose the nearest city to you to test with).
- Sample,
For more, read…
The Myth Of Online Backup-July23-2013
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Striving to provide Global ‘Reliable, Sustainable & Secure Computing’