PC Attacked, Violated, Malfunctioning? Tips

Three (3) simple basic checks for Virus/Malware attacks & violations for you to do on your Microsoft based PC.

The 3 areas outlined below are the most common to be attacked which is why they should always be checked first.

Even if these 3 areas check-out to be OK, keep running your ‘Anti-Virus/Malware’ full scans to ensure they stay that way.

Note:  Examples & instructional steps displayed below are written for the ‘Windows XP’ Microsoft operating system.  These same steps can also be applied to ‘Windows Vista, 7 & 8′ Microsoft operating systems too – their respective icons appear differently but operate in a similar manner.

If your PC is using the ‘Windows Firewall’, then it would be wise at this point to disconnect/disable the internet (wired/wireless) connection for your PC’s safety while doing these upcoming checks.

For help seek-out the assistance of another ‘A+ Certified’ computer tech!

Otherwise, if your PC is ‘Not using the Windows Firewall’ program then proceed to “B)  Automatic Updates Check:”.


A)   ‘Windows Firewall Check’:

  1. Go to the control panel, ‘Double/Left Click’ on the ‘Security Center’ icon- ‘Windows Security Center’ will display.
  2. Ensure the following are all ‘ON’ – ‘Firewall’, Automatic Updates, and Virus Protection’ – see example.  Take note of any that are not ‘ON’.
  3. Now need to locate ‘Manage security settings for:’, ‘Single/Left Click’ on ‘Windows Firewall’ to run the program, the following is displayed – see example (Windows XP).

‘Single/Left Click’ on ‘Off’, then ‘Single/Left Click’ on ‘OK’ – see example.

If your PC’s ‘Security Center’ is operating properly you’ll see something like this – see example.

The ‘Security Center’ should now be alerting you that the ‘Firewall’ is ‘Off’.  If the ‘Firewall’ won’t change to ‘OFF’ &/or there is no alert message then your PC has likely been violated.

If the PC is not ‘Violated’, place your ‘Firewall’ protection back ‘ON’ before proceeding to the next check!

Otherwise, if the PC is ‘Violated’ then leave the internet ‘Disconnected/Disabled’ & seek help from another ‘A+ Certified’ computer tech asap!


B)   ‘Automatic Updates Check’:

If you already did the previous ‘Windows Firewall Check’ then go to step 2 of these instructions.  Otherwise go to the control panel, ‘Double/Left Click’ on the ‘Security Center’ icon- ‘Windows Security Center’ will display – see example.



  1. Ensure the following are all ‘ON’ – ‘Firewall’, Automatic Updates, and Virus Protection’ – see example.  Take note of any that are not ‘ON’.
  2. Locate ‘Manage security settings for:’, ‘Single/Left Click’ on ‘Automatic Updates’ to run the program – see example.


3.  Single/Left Click’ on ‘Turn off Automatic Updates’, then ‘Single/Left Click’ on ‘Apply’ – see example.

If your PC’s ‘Security Center’ is operating properly you’ll see something like this – see example.


The ‘Security Center’ should be alerting you that the ‘Automatic Updates’ is ‘Off’.  If the ‘Automatic Updates’ won’t change to ‘OFF’ &/or there is no alert message then your PC has likely been violated.

If the PC has no violations then put your ‘Automatic Updates’ back ‘ON’ & re-enable/connect to the high-speed internet & proceed to “C) Windows Updates Check”.

Otherwise, if the PC is ‘Violated’ then leave the internet ‘Disconnected/Disabled’ & seek help from another ‘A+ Certified’ computer tech asap!


C)   ‘Windows Updates Check’:

  1. Bring up/Open Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 8 or less)
    Note:  Newer versions of ‘Internet Explorer’ will operate differently.  Instead they display a different updating display window.  This different display window is still ‘OK’ as long as it’s trying to get updates.  If it’s not trying, then your PC quite likely has been ‘Violated’.
  2. Locate the drop-down menu & select ‘Windows Update’
  3. If it’s working, Internet Explorer should go to the Microsoft website and begin checking your PC for the latest Windows updates.
  4. If it’s not updating then it quite likely has been ‘Violated’.

If the PC is ‘Violated’ then leave the internet ‘Disconnected/Disabled’ & seek help from another ‘A+ Certified’ computer tech asap!

Otherwise, ‘Happy Computing’!


So before your PC Blows-up > Speed it up, Protect it & Preserve it!

All About Backup Inc. (2006)
A+ Cert. Computer Engineering Technology Company

Email:  getaabincasap@gmail.com

Striving to provide Global ‘Reliable, Sustainable & Secure Computing’


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